A well-fitting happy nappy must be worn with a disposable swim nappy underneath if your child is not potty/toilet trained (please see Bubble Tots Happy Nappy Policy for further information).
There is no spectating during lessons except for viewing week where parents can view the last 20 minutes of the last lesson of each term. The pool has a strict Spectator Policy. Only two adult spectators per swimmer is permitted on poolside and they must remove outdoor footwear.
No food is permitted on the poolside or in the changing rooms, please save your child’s snack until after you have left the pool.
Please remember that whilst it is fine to have your phones with you and to take photos in lesson time (be careful not to include other children/parents unless you have their permission). Please do not use your phones in the changing rooms.
CB Training Services Limited is a limited company registered in Wales. Company Registration number: 7016820